Repeat Prescriptions
Patients who receive items on a repeat prescription MUST order them directly from us and not from their chemist, accept in exceptional circumstances which must by authorised by the GP.
All repeat prescriptions will automatically go to your nominated chemist. For any urgent on-the-day prescriptions the GP may organise collection at the Practice.
You are able to order your repeat prescriptions via our 24 hour repeat prescribing line 028 9250 1289 or online via Patient Access to which you will need special codes - please speak to a member of our Reception team for details.
Repeat prescriptions will be ready from your allocated chemist 3 clear working days from when you order.
Hospital letters, which require us to issue you with medication, are treated in the same manner as repeat prescriptions and we need the same length of time to prepare them.

Online Repeat Prescription Ordering - Patient Access
If you wish to order your repeat prescription online you will need a login and password. For security reasons you must come into the Practice and register for your personal login and password details. This registration process should only have to been completed once, thereafter you should be able to order your repeat medication online as and when required. If you wish to use the online repeat prescribing ordering service, please contact Reception.
If you have a login and password then click here to order your prescription.
If you change your mind or wish to change the chemist you use at a later date, please contact Reception.
If you are experience any difficulty accessing Patient Access please contact the Practice for a new access code.
Faxing Prescriptions
The practice adheres to the Health and Social Care Board prescribing guidance in relations to faxing prescriptions which confirms its only in exceptional circumstances that faxing prescriptions is permissible. This will also require GP authorisation.
Lost or Stolen Prescriptions
If you lose your prescription you must contact the Practice immediately. The type of medication listed on the prescription will determine if a duplicate prescription will be reissued.
For all stolen prescriptions these must be reported to the PSNI and a crime reference number given to the GP before any further medication may be authorised.
Early Prescription Requests
If you require your medication early you will be required to discuss this with the Practice Pharmacist.